
The American Elementary School in Gdynia

The joy and passion for life-long learning

283students this year
31years of activity
90%of our former students attend
Tri-City’s best high schools

The concept of school work

The American Elementary School with English as a Language of Instruction offers the best tradition of American and international educational institutions. We ensure a safe and friendly school environment, with a focus on developing the habit of seeking solutions and information, discovering the truth and the real world, reflecting on the process of gaining knowledge.

We educate with passion

Get to know our teachers
Joanna NowakowskaHead of School Administration
Jolanta GudykaSchool Principal
Anna PawłowskaSchool Vice Principal
Ladies and Gentlemen

The American Elementary School with English as a Language of Instruction is the effect of dreams of parents and teachers, to create an international school that will give the children from Pomerania a start to further education, equal to that available to children from other European countries. Read more

Wychowanie fizyczne

Jestem absolwentem Wyższej Szkoły Humanistyczno-Ekonomicznej, gdzie zdobyłem wykształcenie na kierunku wychowanie fizyczne. Dodatkowo uzupełniłem swoje kwalifikacje w Wyższej Szkole Społeczno-Ekonomicznej w Gdańsku. Posiadam certyfikat Trenera UEFA C, jestem również instruktorem pływania. Posiadam 7-letnie doświadczenie jako nauczyciel wychowania fizycznego i wielką radość płynącą z przekazywania wiedzy i umiejętności młodym adeptom sportu.

Moja pasja do sportu jest nieodłączną częścią mojego życia. Przez wiele lat byłem zawodowym piłkarzem, reprezentując barwy klubów I i II ligowych , takich jak: Partizan Belgrad, Wacker Burkhausen, Elana Toruń, Zawisza Bydgoszcz, Wigry Suwałki i Chojniczanka Chojnice. To doświadczenie dało mi szeroką wiedzę i umiejętności w dziedzinie sportu, zarówno jako zawodnika, jak i trenera.

Od 2005 roku mieszkam w Polsce - zafascynowałem  się  tym krajem i jego kulturą.

Moja misja to nie tylko uczyć młodych ludzi zasad sportu, ale także kształtować ich charakter, promując wartości takie jak zdyscyplinowanie, współpraca i zaangażowanie. Kocham sport i chcę zarażać nim innych, inspirując ich do aktywnego stylu życia i osiągania swoich celów

Język hiszpański

Jestem absolwentką Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego na kierunku Filologia Romańska i Iberystyka.

Od lat uczenie języka hiszpańskiego jest moją wielką pasją. Podczas swoich zajęć staram się rozbudzić w uczniach zainteresowanie bogatą oraz różnorodną kulturą i historią państw hiszpańskojęzycznych. Uważam, że ciekawość i otwartość na to co „inne” stanowi wielką wartość i jest nieodzownym elementem rozwoju.

Matematyka i informatyka

Jestem absolwentką Modelowania matematycznego i analizy danych. Od kiedy pamiętam matematyka nie sprawiała mi trudności i pomagałam innym ją zrozumieć. Lubię widzieć uśmiechy na twarzy uczniów, kiedy to co wydawało im się trudne, okazuje się łatwe.

W wolnym czasie lubię czytać książki, oglądać filmy, ale również poznawać nowe miejsca.

Edukacja wczesnoszkolna w języku angielskim

Studentka ostatniego roku Pedagogiki Wczesnoszkolnej i Przedszkolnej na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim.

Jestem zawsze gotowa wysłuchać swoich uczniów i staram się zrozumieć ich potrzeby. Wiem, że każde dziecko jest wyjątkowe i posiada swój indywidualny potencjał, dlatego moim celem jest budowanie sprawczości, poczucia własnej wartości i wspieranie rozwoju na wielu płaszczyznach. Chcę nie tylko przekazywać wiedzę, ale także inspirować młode umysły do samodzielnego myślenia i poszukiwania wiedzy.

Lubię podróże i gotowanie, a wolny czas chętnie spędzam grając w tenisa ziemnego, a także na instrumentach.

Our graduates about our school

  • My name is Zuzanna Gudyka, and I am a student at the University of Gdansk. I have just started working toward my master's degree, majoring in applied linguistics, in both English and German. I have been working as an English Language Trainer at the language school Talkersi for two years. There I am also responsible for hosting regular events called Social English Night, which revolve around the English language and communication. The American School in Gdynia was the beginning of my journey with languages: very quickly I found that one of my greatest talents is language acquisition. The school helped me learn the essential base of the English language, as well as gain enormous interest in it. In fact, English classes with Ms. Basia begot something more than just interest - it was pure passion for the English language, most of all phonetics. Learning other subjects in English broadened my knowledge of specialized vocabulary, thanks to which I had no problem graudating from one of the...

    My name is Zuzanna Gudyka, and I am a student at the University of Gdansk. I have just started working toward my master's degree, majoring in applied linguistics, in both English and German. I have been working as an English Language Trainer at the language school Talkersi for two years. There I am also responsible for hosting regular events called Social English Night, which revolve around the English language and communication. The American School in Gdynia was the beginning of my journey with languages: very quickly I found that one of my greatest talents is language acquisition. The school helped me learn the essential base of the English language, as well as gain enormous interest in it. In fact, English classes with Ms. Basia begot something more than just interest - it was pure passion for the English language, most of all phonetics. Learning other subjects in English broadened my knowledge of specialized vocabulary, thanks to which I had no problem graudating from one of the...

  • My name is Natalia Brzozowska, and I am currently studying Genetics at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. I love pursuing my degree, and I honestly feel like I wouldn’t have been here if I had not attended the American School in Gdynia. At the school I became fluent in English in no time. Thanks to the international community, I made friends with students from all over the world and developed tolerance and interest in getting to know different cultures at a very young age. What I remember most clearly is the warm and friendly atmosphere, and the amazing teachers who approached every student individually and made sure no one fell behind. Graduating from the American School in Gdynia built my character, enabled me to get accepted into some of the best schools in the country, and opened the doors to the world for me.

    My name is Natalia Brzozowska, and I am currently studying Genetics at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. I love pursuing my degree, and I honestly feel like I wouldn’t have been here if I had not attended the American School in Gdynia. At the school I became fluent in English in no time. Thanks to the international community, I made friends with students from all over the world and developed tolerance and interest in getting to know different cultures at a very young age. What I remember most clearly is the warm and friendly atmosphere, and the amazing teachers who approached every student individually and made sure no one fell behind. Graduating from the American School in Gdynia built my character, enabled me to get accepted into some of the best schools in the country, and opened the doors to the world for me.

  • It has been 25 years since my earliest school-related memories. I remember sitting on a colorful carpet in a small circle of pupils surrounding a teacher who spoke English only. I was then a seven-year-old girl in 1st grade trying to repeat and pronounce separate English words dictated by the instructor. I especially struggled with the article the! The American Elementary School granted me many fantastic educational experiences and has certainly shaped my academic and professional life. Its international, liberal, and creative character gave me wings to reach as high as Harvard University and then to pursue the individual path of a creative writer. This school undoubtedly inspires free thinking! Martyna Sarnowska

    It has been 25 years since my earliest school-related memories. I remember sitting on a colorful carpet in a small circle of pupils surrounding a teacher who spoke English only. I was then a seven-year-old girl in 1st grade trying to repeat and pronounce separate English words dictated by the instructor. I especially struggled with the article the! The American Elementary School granted me many fantastic educational experiences and has certainly shaped my academic and professional life. Its international, liberal, and creative character gave me wings to reach as high as Harvard University and then to pursue the individual path of a creative writer. This school undoubtedly inspires free thinking! Martyna Sarnowska

  • Hi! My name is Karolina Zaborowska, and I am a student at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C, where I am double majoring in Finance and Marketing. The American School in Gdynia was the beginning of my journey with the States and gave me the motivation and the incredibly important language base, to pursue my dream of studying abroad. Whenever I meet new people at school, they find it hard to believe I'm Polish because of my American accent - and I know that is all thanks to the unique emphasis on English, that focused on both grammar and spoken English, at the American School in Gdynia.

    Hi! My name is Karolina Zaborowska, and I am a student at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C, where I am double majoring in Finance and Marketing. The American School in Gdynia was the beginning of my journey with the States and gave me the motivation and the incredibly important language base, to pursue my dream of studying abroad. Whenever I meet new people at school, they find it hard to believe I'm Polish because of my American accent - and I know that is all thanks to the unique emphasis on English, that focused on both grammar and spoken English, at the American School in Gdynia.

  • “AES is a magic place. When living in the States now, I find it very easy to communicate with the Americans. AES lets you discover yourself and the whole world.” Kuba Bard

    “AES is a magic place. When living in the States now, I find it very easy to communicate with the Americans. AES lets you discover yourself and the whole world.” Kuba Bard